Win a trip to Greece!


We all want the best out of life! At Le Pain Quotidien we believe this is all about finding balance through a strong sense of community, eating well, sleeping soundly, and staying active.

That’s why our new menu is based on the wholesome diets and lifestyles of happy, healthy communities around the world. Their approach to living better inspired our founder Alain and our chefs to experiment with new ingredient combinations and create delicious, nutritious dishes – to share the taste of living better with you and those you care for.

To celebrate our new menu, we are giving away a trip to one of the inspiring countries, Greece.

How to win
Go to the Instagram post on @lepainquotidienfr (live on 21th October 24')

1. Like the post.
2. Follow @lepainquotidienfr.
3. Tag 3 people to enter the competition.
4. Comment what the "taste of living better" means to you;  Most creative/original comment wins.

The contest closes on the 3th of November at 9PM local time. The winners will be contacted by the 8th of November 2024 at the latest.

Le Pain Quotidien – Terms and conditions of “The Taste of Living Better” contest

  • 1. General terms and conditions1.1 These terms and conditions apply to the “The Taste of Living Better” contest (hereinafter the “Contest”), organized by Le Pain Quotidien SAS, headquartered at Rue des Pirogues de Bercy 8, 75012 Paris, France, and registered with FR59417706298 (hereinafter “LPQ”).

    1.2 Participation in the Contest implies the participant’s unreserved acceptance of these terms and conditions and of all decisions made by LPQ in connection with the Contest.

    2. Participation in the Contest

    2.1 This Contest is open to all individuals aged 18 or over at the time of entry, residing in France.

    2.2 Anyone employed directly or indirectly by LPQ (employees, freelancers, etc.) may not enter the Contest.

    2.3 In the event of abuse, fraud or deception, LPQ reserves the right to exclude the participant and/or winner from the Contest, and they will no longer be eligible to receive a prize, subject to all other rights.

    3. Conduct of the Contest

    3.1 This Contest does not involve any obligation to purchase and is valid only from October 21, 2024 to November 3, 2024, 21:00 CET in France.

    3.2 To enter the Contest and be eligible for the Local Prize as described in article 4.1 and the Global Prize as described in article 4.2, a participant must cumulatively complete the following steps:

    (a) The participant “likes” the October 21, 2024 Instagram® post by @lepainquotidienfr (hereinafter the “LPQ Instagram® Post”).

    (b) The participant posts a comment under the LPQ Instagram® Post in which (i) the participant describes what the “taste of better living” means to him or her; and (ii) the participant tags three (3) friends with whom he or she would like to share the “taste of better living”.

(c) The participant shares the LPQ Instagram® Post on the “story” of his/her own Instagram® account. This participation can only be taken into account if the participant has a public Instagram® account.

3.3 The aim of this Competition is therefore for the participant to describe and fulfil “the taste of living better” in the most original way possible. Participants are explicitly prohibited from using artificial intelligence (generative) tools in the context of the Competition.

3.4 Each participant may enter the Contest only once. Should a participant nevertheless enter more than once, only the first entry will be valid.

3.5 Although the Contest takes place on the Instagram® platform, the Contest is in no way sponsored, endorsed, administered by or connected to Instagram®.

  1. Prizes4.1 Local Prize: cooking in an LPQ restaurant

There are a total of 12 Local Prizes to be awarded in France.

The Local Prize consists of a cooking workshop with Alain Coumont, founder of Le Pain Quotidien, during which the twelve Local Prize winners will cook dishes together as part of the “Le goût de vivre mieux” campaign. The cooking workshop will take place at an LPQ restaurant in Paris, France, during the week of November 25, 2024. Local Prize winners will be contacted via their Instagram® Direct Messages, through which they will receive a personal invitation allowing them to attend the cooking workshop.

LPQ does not bear any other costs related to this prize. The winner is therefore responsible for, among other things, the cost of travel to and from the LPQ restaurant where the cooking workshop will take place and any additional consumption. This list is not exhaustive.

4.2 Global Prize: Culinary Experience

There are a total of four (4) Global Prizes to be awarded:

– One (1) Global Prize will be awarded to participants in the “Taste for Better Living” competition organized by the local LPQ entity in Argentina;
– One (1) Global Prize will be awarded to participants in the “Taste for Better Living” contest organized by the local LPQ entity in Mexico;

– Two (2) Global Prizes will be awarded to participants in the “Le goût de vivre mieux” competition organized by LPQ’s local entities in Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and France.

The Global Prize consists of a culinary experience in Greece from June 3, 2025 to June 6, 2025, organized by LPQ, for the Global Prize winners, who may each bring one person of their choice, provided that this accompanying person is 18 years of age or older (” Accompanying Person ”), for the culinary experience.

More specifically, the following elements are included in the Total Price (still for 4 x 2 people):

– 3 nights in Greece (from June 3, 2025 to June 6, 2025) at the Patric & Joan Leigh Fermor House in Mani in a private room with en-suite bathroom, with a shared living and dining room (or similar accommodation, in case this hotel is not available);
– 3 x breakfast;
– Daily room cleaning service at the Patric & Joan Leigh Fermor House in Mani ;
– Economy class flight to Athens, Greece, departing from the country where the LPQ entity that published the Instagram® Post on which the winner commented is based (” Country of Origin ”). For France, this is Charles de Gaulle airport, Paris;
– Economy class flight from Athens, Greece, to the Country of Origin;
– Transfer from Athens airport to Patric & Joan Leigh Fermor House in Mani on June 3, 2025;
– Transfer from Patric & Joan Leigh Fermor House in Mani to Athens airport on June 6, 2025;

– Tourist tax for the stay at the Patric & Joan Leigh Fermor House in Mani from June 3, 2025 to June 6, 2025;

1 “family” evening meal, on June 4, 2025, with all Global Prize winners and their accompanying persons, at the Patric & Joan Leigh Fermor House in Mani prepared by Alain Coumont, founder of Le Pain Quotidien. Any special dietary requirements (allergies, vegetarian, vegan, …) of the winner and/or accompanying person must be communicated to LPQ prior to arrival in order to be taken into account.

Subject to availability at the time of booking, LPQ reserves the right to modify flight dates, flights, airline, departure or arrival airport and accommodations.

LPQ does not bear any other costs related to the Global Prize. The winner and his or her accompanying person are therefore responsible for, among other things, travel insurance, all meals except breakfast and the evening meal on June 4, 2025 prepared by Alain Coumont (see above), transportation between home and the airport or any other transportation (except transfer between airport and hotel), a rental car, excursions and/or activities on site and other purchases on site. In addition, the winners and their accompanying persons will jointly and severally bear all the costs of any damage they may cause to the Patric & Joan Leigh Fermor House, as well as any other damage they may cause to persons throughout the duration of the Global Prize (from June 3, 2025 to June 6, 2025). If a person wishes to consume their own alcohol in the Patric & Joan Leigh Fermor House, a corkage fee of 15 euros per bottle will be charged at the time of departure. This list is not exhaustive.

If the winners and/or their accompanying persons wish to extend their stay in Greece, this is possible at the expense of the winners and/or their accompanying persons. A travel guide listing rental cars, activities and excursions will be provided prior to departure. These can be booked prior to arrival at the expense of the winner and/or accompanying person through the Destination© travel agency with which LPQ works.

Winners are responsible for their personal legal documents, as well as the legal documents of their accompanying person, which are required to benefit from the Global Prize. In particular, Global Prize winners and their accompanying persons must :

– have a valid travel document (identity card, international passport, travel visa, etc.). The travel document must be valid both at the time the Global Prize is awarded and at the time the Global Prize is carried out (from the departure date to the end date of the culinary experience);

– comply with the health and safety regulations imposed by the airline or country of destination;

If Global Prize winners fail to comply with the above conditions, they will no longer be eligible for the Global Prize, will be excluded from the Contest by LPQ and will not be entitled to receive compensation and/or claim other services, vouchers or cash in lieu of the Global Prize.

4.3 Provisions common to all prizes

4.3.1 Each participant may win only one prize, whether a Global Prize or a Local Prize. For the avoidance of doubt, a participant may not combine a Global Prize and a Local Prize.

4.3.2 Prizes won are strictly personal and may under no circumstances be transferred, sold or exchanged with third parties.

4.3.3 Winners may not exchange their prize for other services, a voucher or cash. In the event of refusal of the prize by the initial winner, LPQ will select a new winner for the prize.

5. Selection of winners

5.1 At the end of the Contest, on 05/11/2024, a jury made up of 3 members of LPQ France (” Local Jury ”) will review all comments posted in accordance with article 3.2 of these terms and conditions, under LPQ’s Instagram® Post, and will assign a score out of 20 to all comments based on their creativity and originality.

The Local Jury will communicate, no later than 06/11/2024, the list of the eleven (11) highest-rated comments to LPQ headquarters, located at 1000 Brussels, Havenlaan 86/C, Belgium.

5.2 LPQ headquarters will create four groups with the lists of comments it has received from the local LPQ entities that organized the “Taste for Better Living” Contest:

– Each of the ten (10) comments with the highest scores in Argentina;

– Each of the ten (10) highest scoring comments from Mexico;

– Each of the ten (10) highest scoring comments from Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and France (“ EMEA List ”).

5.3 On November 7, 2024, a jury made up of 3 LPQ HQ employees (in particular, the Brand Coordinator, Chief Growth and Global Operations Director, subject to change if any of these people are unable to attend) (” LPQ HQ Jury ”) will award a score out of 20 to all the comments on the Argentina, Mexico, and EMEA Lists, based on their creativity and originality.

The comment with the highest score for each list wins the Global Prize: there will therefore be 4 winners in all, one for each of the above-mentioned lists, namely Argentina, Mexico, and the EMEA list respectively.

The selection of the Global Prize winners will be carried out under the supervision of Mr. Ben Van Schel, bailiff whose office is located at Hendrik Placestraat 43b 1702 Dilbeek, Belgium.

5.4 After the Global Prizes have been awarded, on November 7, 2024, the LPQ HQ Jury will award the Local Prizes to each person who has published the twelve (12) comments with the highest scores in the Contest, provided that no Global Prize has been awarded to this comment. If a Global Prize has been awarded to the comment with the highest score, the first Local Prize will be awarded to the comment with the second-highest score.

5.5 If two or more comments have received the same rating, the comment posted first (earlier date and time) will be deemed to have the highest rating.

5.6 No later than 12/04/2024, each winner will be contacted via the Instagram® profile with which they posted the winning comment, by the profile @Lepainquotidienbe. Winners will be asked to provide their contact details (first name, last name, address, e-mail address and telephone number). If the winner does not respond to @Lepainquotidienbe’s message requesting further information within eight (8) days of it being sent, his/her prize will no longer be considered due and the prize will be put back into play as part of the Contest.

  1. Data protection6.1 By entering the Contest, participants are informed that LPQ collects and processes the personal data they provide in connection with the Contest for the purpose of managing the Contest and identifying the winner(s). LPQ will only share participants’ personal data to the extent necessary to administer the Contest. In accordance with the Data Protection Regulation, namely Regulation 2016/679 and Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, and other applicable privacy protection regulations, each participant has the right to access, modify, delete their data, limit the processing of their data, object to the processing of their data, as well as the right to data portability and to define directives relating to the fate of their personal data after their death. These rights may be exercised by contacting LPQ at The participant also has the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, in France the Commission nationale de l’informatique et des libertés (” CNIL ”). If a participant requests the deletion of his/her data, objects to the processing of his/her data or requests the limitation of the processing of his/her data before the winner is selected, such participant understands and agrees that he/she withdraws his/her participation in the Contest, knowing that without such data, the participant cannot be included in the list of Contest participants.

    6.2 Promotional and advertising offers may be sent to the participant, but only if the participant expressly indicates that he/she wishes to receive such offers. Any publication concerning the winners will only be made public with the express agreement of the winner himself/herself.

    6.3 If the participant wishes to obtain more information on LPQ’s privacy policy, he or she may consult LPQ’s privacy statement on the website.

    7. Warranties and liability

    7.1 To the extent permitted by applicable law, LPQ is not liable for any damages (including damages to third parties) or costs of any nature or cause whatsoever resulting from participation in the Contest, the awarding of prizes, the receipt and/or use of prizes.

    7.2 LPQ makes no warranties whatsoever regarding the use, availability and functionality of the Instagram® platform. LPQ further disclaims any express or implied warranty that (i) Instagram® will be available without interruption; (ii) errors or defects on Instagram® will be corrected; or (iii) Instagram® will be free of viruses or other malicious code; (iv) Instagram® will operate without interruption or error in connection with the participant’s internet connection.

    7.3 The participant warrants that he/she will comply with the applicable Instagram® terms of use and guidelines. Under no circumstances will the LPQ be liable if a contribution, message or comment made by a participant is deleted or blocked by Instagram® due to an alleged violation of Instagram®‘s terms of use or guidelines. In particular, the entrant warrants that any content provided by the entrant in connection with the Contest will not infringe the intellectual property rights and/or privacy rights of any third party. To the extent that any content provided by the participant as part of the Contest may be protected by intellectual property rights, the participant hereby grants LPQ, for the duration of the intellectual property right protection, a non-exclusive, transferable, royalty-free, worldwide license to use such content (including the right to reproduce, the right to translate and the right to communicate to the public).

    7.4 LPQ reserves the right, for reasons of force majeure or at its sole discretion including, but not limited to, strikes, flight cancellations, unavailability of accommodations in Greece, epidemics, pandemics or any other travel restrictions, to postpone or cancel the Contest. In any event, LPQ cannot be held responsible for any decision made by LPQ regarding the running, postponement or withdrawal of the Contest, except in the case of fraud.

    7.5 LPQ is in no way responsible for any defect in a prize or if a prize does not meet the winner’s expectations.

    7.6 Contest winners agree to participate in promotional activities and announcements related to the awarding and exercise of prizes.

    Winners agree to have their Instagram® profile publicly announced by the @lepainquotidienfr profile in a separate Instagram® post or story, as part of this Contest.

    Global Prize winners are informed that they will be photographed and/or filmed by LPQ during the culinary experience as described in Art. 4.2 of these terms and conditions. It is reminded that participation in the culinary experience is subject to the winners’ authorization to LPQ, free of charge and exclusively, for a period of 50 years and worldwide, to edit, modify, reproduce, publish, communicate to the public, exhibit or otherwise use their name, voice and/or image (collectively the “ Image Rights ”) appearing in photographs, films, videos and/or sound recordings taken and/or filmed by LPQ during the culinary experience as described in article 4. 2 of these terms and conditions, for promotional or advertising purposes, on all tangible and intangible media, including the website(s), social networks or other media, or for any other similar lawful purpose, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law.

  2. Other provisions

8.1 These terms and conditions are governed by French law.

8.2 The Paris courts have jurisdiction over any dispute arising from the Contest and/or these terms and conditions.

8.3 If a participant has any questions or complaints regarding the Contest, he/she may contact the LPQ at the following e-mail address:


8.4 The provisions of these terms and conditions are severable. If any provision of these terms and conditions is or becomes invalid or unenforceable, such invalid or unenforceable provision shall be replaced by another provision that is as similar as possible in substance to the invalid or unenforceable provision, but which is valid and enforceable. The invalidity or unenforceability of any such provision shall not affect the remaining provisions of these terms and conditions, and these terms and conditions shall in all cases be construed as if the invalid or unenforceable provision had been replaced in the manner described above.
