For 30 years, we’ve been serving up plant-based food and drinks within our bakeries. Our menu has always been good for the planet and we’ve always encouraged positive and healthy living- and eating through consideration of the environment.
As part of our small steps campaign – and as part of our journey to have a minimal impact on the environment – we’re very excited to announce that we’re now officially a Food Made Good Member of the Sustainable Restaurant Association (@the_SRA).
The Sustainable Restaurant Association works with business from across the foodservice sector as well as like0minded industry bodes, campaign groups and suppliers to accelerate change towards and environmentally restorative and socially progressive UK hospitality sector. Their Food Made Good membership programme is their main avenue for driving positive change across UK foodservice. Through their industry standard sustainability framework, sustainability rating, portfolio of digital and physical resources including a dedicated online platform and annual awards, Food Made Good provides it’s 10,000+ members with all the tools they need to be leaders in sourcing and serving sustainable food.
As a business and bakery, we’re always looking for ways to protect the environment, reduce our footprint and give back to the community and our customers. We source responsibly across all departments, from bakery products to pantry, upholding consideration for provenance of the goods we sell and produce we use. Together with the SRA, we’ve taken several additional steps towards being a more sustainable business, and helping our customers be more sustainable too.
“Together with the Sustainable Restaurant Assocation, we’ve taken several additional steps towards being a more sustainable business, and helping our customers be more sustainable too.

- We’re recycling almost all of our waste and are completely committed to reducing food waste from our kitchens. We’ve implemented a circular menu design concept to limit food waste.
- We’re switching single-use plastic items – including straws and coffee cup lids – to biodegradable/ paper alternatives. Also our menu is printed on recycled paper.
- We’re committed to choosing organic ingredients, mostly from local suppliers
- We’re offering our used coffee grounds on a complimentary basis for customers to use in their garden, for their skincare or to clean kitchen utensils.
- The foundation of our menu development process is built on a balance between veg, vegan and meat offerings. We’re working towards a formal policy to limit beef on our menu – and the meat we do serve, is to a higher welfare standard (free- range).
- We’re also limiting fish on our menu, aligning with the MCS good fish guide and removing rated 4/5 species and working with a MSC certified salmon supplier (Severn & Wye Smokery).
- We’re aligning our menu language with behaviour science research from WRI to encourage our customers towards plant based options.
- The pulp from our juices goes towards creating energy – and the juice bottles are RPET and made from 50% post consumer recycled plastic and can be recycled once again.
- We’re partnering with Too Good To Go – the world’s number 1 app for fighting food waste. As a bakery, we offer quality local food for as little as £2 that would otherwise have gone to waste.
Our new Summer menu works towards an even more sustainable offering, featuring an increased emphasis on vegan options. Our vegan offering goes far beyond a salad, ranging from bakery, pastries to sandwich and hot dishes.
Join us in taking small steps and stay tuned for more sustainability updates!